If you belong to one of these groups, I'm your choice on Nov. 6th!

I just wanted to make a couple of points with regards to your vote decision on Tuesday. If you fall into one of the following groups, I am, without a doubt, the most aligned choice for you.

1. If you are a registered Libertarian, of course you should vote for me.

2. If you are voting for Gary Johnson for President, you should vote for me.

Scott Gesty will really represent Delaware

Scott Gesty will really represent Delaware

By Gwendolyn "Wendy" Jones | Oct 12, 2012

There is only one candidate in the race for the U.S. House of Representatives worth your support, and that’s Libertarian Scott Gesty.

Only Scott will vote to audit the Federal Reserve and expose the truth about our government’s monetary policies that have us a few years away from becoming Greece.

Only Scott will fight to replace the income tax with a consumption tax, while cutting the federal budget so that we don’t bankrupt our children and grandchildren.


Statement on the League of Women Voters Debate

I want to set the record straight on my absence from the debate that took place at Delaware State University on October 24th. It was my full intention to attend this debate and in fact, I had contacted Jill Fuch (LoWV Contact) that afternoon to clarify the format and confirm my attendance. But being a ‘Citizen Candidate’ presents some challenges that major party candidates don’t have to deal with. You see, my wife had to work late into the evening and I had arranged for my 72 year old father to watch my three year old while I attended the debate.

Debate at Widener Law School - 10/24/12

I would like to once again thank Widener School of Law, WDEL and WHYY for inviting me to todays debate. We had a good discussion on many issues that are of concern to Delaware and the nation. I felt that I offered different solutions that resonated well with the voters. Below are results of WDEL's listeners survey. Not bad for the first time out! Thanks to all that came out to support me and all those that tuned in on radio and the live feed. Less than two weeks till November 6th! Help me make news on election day for the cause of liberty and freedom!

WDEL Listener Survey

Quick Feedback on the first Presidential Debate

Without diving into too much detail, I feel Mitt Romney bested President Obama in tonight’s debate. The topics revolving around economics were in Gov. Romney’s wheel house, and he did a good job. But let's not forget that even though Gov. Romney was speaking to lower taxes, state rights, etc., he made it clear that he supports government intervention in our economic liberty. He stated we need government regulation over business.


QE3 - Hyper Drive to Hyper Inflation

By now I'm sure many of you have heard that Fed Chair Ben Bernanke has announced a third round of quantitative easing. The Federal Reserve will borrow or print $40 Billion every month to purchase US Treasury or Mortgage Backed Security (MBS) debt. The difference between this round and the previous two, is that this effort is open ended. No time limit, no cap. The Fed 'hopes' that they can stop this activity by mid 2015 and add 'only' another $1.4 TRILLION to our already $16 plus Trillion debt.

The Repeal of ObamaCare

With the victory of Tom Kovach over Rose Izzo on September 11th’s primary, I am the only balloted candidate for the US House of Representatives in Delaware that will support repealing ObamaCare. Tom Kovach has been quoted on the record that he is taking the moderate approach to domestic policy that former Congressman Mike Castle did before he was voted out of office by the Republican electorate. Mike Castle stated he would not vote to repeal ObamaCare and neither will Tom Kovach. John Carney whole heartedly supports the government takeover of your healthcare.

Rand Paul - "Time to Audit the Pentagon"

Tonight, Senator Rand Paul told a large crowd that it’s time to audit the Pentagon. Well, I couldn’t agree more. But that’s not where it should end. We need to take a look at military spending across the board. In 2011, we spent $711 BILLION on military spending and this doesn’t count all the money we spend bribing foreign dictators to do our bidding. $711 BILLION! That was 19% of the entire 2011 Budget. Could the average American citizen pay all the bills and put food on the table if they spent 19 cents of every dollar they earned on guns and bullets?
