John Carney Supports Endless War, NSA Spying, & Higher Taxes

When it came time for Delaware's Congressman to stand up to the President and say, no more War, no more 4th Amendment Violations, and no higher taxes, John Carney let us down. I won't be a rubber stamp for the Presidents Unconstitutional Policies. Send a representative that will stand up for you and defend the Constitution. Send me.

John Carney was for the NSA, before he was against it

By now we have all heard of how the National Security Agency (NSA) has been collecting communications on ALL Americans. It does not matter whether the citizen was suspected of any crime or not. The federal government, without consulting Congress, decided behind closed doors that to protect us, they had to know everything we are communicating to one another. This is an obvious violation of our fourth amendment rights.

John Carney named in Tigani-N.K.S. reimbursement scheme report

Congressman Carney is named on page 46 of this report. I think the people of Delaware deserve an explanation.

Time to grow the Delaware Libertarian Party!

Hello All,

We have gone through the election data with a fine tooth comb and there are a couple things of interest. First, our vote totals have shown a very positive up trend. I think is due to a couple factors. 1) More people have heard our message and are attracted to a platform of more freedom and less government. People also like the idea of candidates that are fiscally conservative and tolerant on social issues. 2) As so many people told me before and after the campaign, they are tired of the status quo and want real change in government. We are that change.

Happy Thanksgiving

I would like to take the opportunity while it's still calm here to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving. Have fun and most of all, be safe!
In Liberty,

Follow Up on ObamaCare

I would like to follow up on ObamaCare. Many people just don't realize the tax burdern that this will caused to the middle class. There are 10 new taxes associated with this Bill. There is a 2.3% excise tax on medical devices that increases the cost of procedures. This drives healthcare cost up! This tax applies to Prosthetic Limbs our troops returning from battle need to live normal lives. John Carney did NOT support the repeal of this tax when it came up in the House.
