If you belong to one of these groups, I'm your choice on Nov. 6th!

I just wanted to make a couple of points with regards to your vote decision on Tuesday. If you fall into one of the following groups, I am, without a doubt, the most aligned choice for you.

1. If you are a registered Libertarian, of course you should vote for me.

2. If you are voting for Gary Johnson for President, you should vote for me.

3. If you voted for Ron Paul in the 2012 primary, I am your choice. I received a 100% on the Campaign for Liberty voter’s survey. The only reason Congressman Paul did not endorse me in this campaign is because I’m not a Republican.

4. If you voted for Rose Izzo in the Republican Party primary for US House, I am your choice. I fully supported the Libertarian Party in endorsing Rose in the primary. I consider Rose a friend and we were talking about endorsement possibilities until Alex Pires endorsed John Carney. Rose’s affiliation with the Pires campaign conflicts with her endorsing me, so I didn’t pursue it any further. If you voted for Rose on September 11th, Tom Kovach is NOT your choice. I am.

5. If repeal of Obama Care is your #1 issue, I am your only choice.. According to Vote Smart, over 50% of Delaware voters support repeal. I am the only candidate to go on record who supports the repeal of this terrible piece of legislation.

If everyone that falls into the categories above votes for me on November 6th, we will make history in Delaware! Let’s do this and usher in an area of true change in Delaware politics!

In Liberty and Freedom,